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Technocalypse Now! Or later?

Technology is proliferating and escalating at an exponential rate.  We went from just having phones, radios and cars 100 years ago to having, television, cellphones, computers, the internet, LCD screens, 3d TV, virtual reality, holographic technology, robot vacuum cleaners, secret weapons beyond the public’s imagination, and we just keep progressing technologically that every 5 years it seems like there’s a new sophisticated gizmo that everyone seems to have.   I remember the first computer I had, the IBM Tandy.  It had no hard drive, 128kbram,  and a cpu clocking at 8hz.  The computer I currently have which is probably only 15 years older has 1gbram(8000times the amount), and a 2ghz cpu(250000x faster), and to be honest with you, this computer is an out of date piece of shit and I look forward to beating it with a baseball bat.  Moore’s law states that computer processing speed doubles every 18 months, and this has been proven true since Gorden E. Moore (cofounder of intel), first stated it in 1965.  Other sources actually claim that CPU speed is doubling even faster then this law-at every 14 months.  Either way this being the reality has HUGE implications for what the near future has to offer.

This past year I watched some very interesting documentaries about the advancement in technology and what the potential future will look like in the next 10-50 years and what kinds of different technology will be possible.  The documentaries I watched were Technocalypse, Human 2.0, Transhumanism, Building Gods, and  the post human.  These informative documentaries have opened my eyes up to a future which seems to be nuckin futs.  I urge anyone whose slightly interested to check these documentaries out on youtube.  Any who some of the technology’s implied by the current R&D scientists are cryogenics, nanobots(small robots that monitor your blood stream to keep a person healthy), cars that drive themselves, a 3d reality simulation thats 100% real (like a real-life matrix), the ability to live forever, super intelligent robots that will be smarter then us, and finally cyborgs, when we will be forced to merge ourselves with this kind of technology to keep up with the robots and not fall behind.  They say we will have the ability to install brain chips that enhance cognition, memory, vision, or technology’s to increase our physical performance.

Imagine having the ability to choose to live for thousands of years?  Would we get bored of living eventually?  Think about nano sized robots being in your blood stream, monitoring for any unwanted cancers or viruses.  Imagine hopping in your car and just setting a GPS in it and sitting back while enjoying the ride?  Imagine walking in a city in the future were robots are walking side by side with humans.  Imagine having the ability to learn a language in seconds by uploading it to your hybrid cpu-brain.  Imagine not having to write down important numbers, as your memory capacity is massive like a computer.  Some of the things from these documentaries are a lot closer then one thinks.  Finally at the end of it all, when this technology becomes reality, would it be available to the general public?  Or would this technology only be for the very rich who can afford it?  Would we be at the mercy of a technocratic elite who rule a one world government with their robot henchmen monitoring everybodys every move with facial recognition cameras.  Making sure we all have a hive mentality, and if anybody steps out of line, they will face the consequences.  Another big thing about this kind of technology is a potential war between man and machine. When the machines get smarter then us, why would they still work to serve mankind?  Some of the scientists involved in the research for this kind of technology are convinced that if we do not merge ourselves with technology, we will end up being like pests to these alterlings, these robots who are millions of times more intellectually then we could ever be if we don’t merge ourselves with technology.  This could be the end of the human race as we know it.  Those who choose not to upgrade themselves, will basically get left behind, while the cyborgs and the alterlings live on a completely superior level to old human.

Maybe the unabomber, Ted Kacynski (who was a child prodigy in math mind you)  saw coming, and why he bombed the locations.  Maybe to try to prevent the future war against the machines that he calculated as being a certainty with the route we are currently taking.  This is just my speculation, but something tells me he did what he did for the greater good, even though in this case it meant killing people.

This has already been predictively programmed into us since Metropolis, and i’ve noticed on a lot of todays toddler shows robots are commonplace.  Probably trying to get today’s kids used to the whole robot reality paradigm.  Movies like Terminator, The Matrix, I Robot, Transformers, EI, and so many more have already been programming us into embracing this brave new world, and in 10-20 years don’s be surprised when personal robots become a regular commodity in life.  That everyone has a robot to do their bidding.  I urge anyone who reads this to look up Technocalypse on youtube, or even just search post-human or transhumanism and you’ll probably find enough videos about this topic.  That is all.. Peace Love and Herpes.

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